perhaps it's cos of the television here? i mean in s'pore the programmes u have there would be considered so modest compared to here. also maybe it's because of the variety of channels we have in s'pore. in s'pore u even have a channel esp for kids. (i am guilty of watching that all day when i have my holidays way back in s'pore) and then maybe as a result children back in s'pore will not sorta stray and start looking at the other channels which do NOT have immoral stuff in them.
not that i'm dissing the television programmes here. it's jsut that over here it's so hard to get programmes for kids. that's what i have realised. u have to pay to get children's programmes that run all day. (they have this thing called skye)
so that's my rant for today :P
that above are the 15 big stars i made for the children in my work placement before i leave. was pretty gutted when i left. cos i would miss them so much. i still would be able to see them from time to time though. :D
and in that i can probably safely say that i have failed in one aspect of care-giving. and that is to keep a professional distance. i have gotten too close to the children. but..oh i dont know. if u do not genuinely care for them, then how is it "care-giving"?
this is a true head-melt. (see ryan, i know how to use it!)