Tomorrow the two only adults in this house will be flying away to London for two and a half days. Leaving Jordan and me to fend for ourselves in terms of food. Yes, we have to cook and feed the animals and manage the house.
Let's see how we fare tomorrow. Jordan and I have come to an agreement that I will feed the animals everyday (7am, 12pm and 5pm) as well as put the cats to bed every night and basically managing the animals while Jordan will feed the fish. I'm fully aware that fish are ever so slightly easier than two cats and a dog but there are many many fish one in a pond, and three tanks in the house in three different places. Plus, the animals reciprocate what you give them. Fish probably do too, but it'll be not as obvious. Therefore, I will feed the animals more simply 'cos I derive more pleasure from that than sprinkling flakes and brine shrimp into a tank or a pond.
As for food, we will be feeding ourselves and wash our own dishes after that. As for the laundry, I have no idea who's gonna handle that but I suppose I'll do it 'cos I can't stand not having the laundry basket in the toilet. That should keep me busy enough. I'll probably feel like a housewife. But the sense of accomplishment! It is irreplaceable. That is why I can't understand why I cannot motivate myself to do things when I know that I would feel so accomplished.
Don't think we'll do too badly. It's just an experiment to see how we'll fare on our own in university. Let's hope that Uncle and Aunt won't look like that when they come home:Haha. Tomorrow is Day 1 in the Non-adult Environment. Tune in tomorrow for more details. Going swimming tomorrow. By the way, I know how to float now in the foetal position. :)
"Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress." -Bruce Fairchild Barton (American author, advertising executive, and politician)