Thursday, October 18, 2007

lalala! little kiddies again...

today i looked after the little kiddies again. :) they're so cute. brought them to PE today. and then it was sooooo funny. the teacher who took them said "alright, when i say RED, u must freeze in the position u are in. and when i say AMBER, u have to run on the spot." then when he said that, the little kids laughed. cos they know i'm amber. so lol! and one of the times when he said "amber!" and they jogged on the spot of sorts. cos they're actually inching towards me. and one of them said "hi amber!" and giggled.

*sigh* so cute. they also call out my name if they see me around. yesterday when i was walking into the school in the morning there were three of them there and they chorused "hello amber!" cute. ^-^...and then today they ran pass me before i went to their class to bring them for PE and they said "hey amber!" one after another. awww...

i've done nothing but coo about little kids in this post. and i'm deeply sorry for any boring-ness i've caused u as a result of reading from my blog. i promise i will type in something deep and though-provoking someday..but for now, i dont think i have anything that's very though-provoking... :S...also, would like to apologise for not having photos. just not hardworking enough to get off my butt to take photos.

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